About Me

Alice is a Senior Paediatric Occupational Therapist qualified in 2011 from Brunel University, London. Alice has worked for both the Health Service Executive (HSE) and National Health Service (NHS). Alice has significant experience in carrying out comprehensive Occupational Therapy assessments and has worked with children with a variety of diagnoses including developmental delays, neuromotor disorders, Down syndrome, Autism spectrum disorders, Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) /Dyspraxia, Sensory processing difficulties and Specific learning disabilities. She has undertaken training in The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2) as well as having extensive experience with many other assessment tools and treatment approaches. Alice has a particular interest in the assessment of children with significant motor skills difficulties such as DCD. Alice also offers school assessments and consultation.

Alice Davis

Covering: Co Down, Co Monaghan & Co Armagh

Address: Banbridge, Co.Down

Phone: 087 7678525

Email: alicedavis06@gmail.com