Lorcan Russell

About Me

"I work with both adult and children who are experiencing challenges with day-to-day activities. With Adults, I specialise in return-to-work occupational therapy and have developed my experience working in a Canadian system. I work with both individuals and businesses. For children and adolescents, there is no “one size fits all” approach to therapy. I aim to help you stay on top of your child’s needs now, and in the future. Whether you are seeing issues related to behavior, language, self-help, play, academics, safety, social skills, and/or accessibility, I can help you make an important and measurable difference in your child's life. I have a focus on not just teaching your child, but also the people who are best placed to make the change happen. I use evidence-based treatment approaches and I work hard with you, to make sure you feel confident and competent to guide your child's continued development."

Verified OT Badge
Verified Occupational Therapist
OT Verification Policy
The Badge of Verification is a form of validation to indicate to the consumer, that the services provided by the Occupational Therapist have satisfied our approvals procedure.

The badge offers those seeking Occupational Therapy services, a greater level of confidence regarding compliance with standard requirements.

This badge, when displayed on a member’s profile, indicates the following assurances have been declared by that member:


  • Valid qualification to practice
  • Tax compliance
  • Adequate insurance cover
  • Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct compliant
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Free of previous conviction or bankruptcy


Covering: Connacht, Limerick, Clare, Dublin

Address: Meridian Rehabilitation, The Corner House, Freeport, Bearna, Co. Galway, H91R6F8

Phone: 089 4967 444

Email: lorcan@ot-ireland.com