OT Talk | Bilateral Coordination

OT Talk | Bilateral Coordination

Bilateral Coordination OT Talk The ability to use both sides of the body in the performance of a task isn’t something that would often occur to typically functioning individuals. It seems natural to roll the rolling pin with both hands, or hold the jar in one hand...
Therapeutic Yoga – healing and reaching potential

Therapeutic Yoga – healing and reaching potential

Therapeutic Yoga | Healing & Reaching Potential OT Yoga Photograph by Matthew Kane via Unsplash I have been introducing Therapeutic Yoga into my work with children and have found it amazing.  Connecting with kids with through breathing, sound and mindfulness has...
Getting To The Core – Why Core Stability Counts … a lot

Getting To The Core – Why Core Stability Counts … a lot

    Many parents may already have identified that their child may have low core strength.  Core strength is central to everything we do and impacts on all areas of development.  What are some of the symptoms? We may find that a child may not be able to sit...
Making Sense of Sensory Defensiveness

Making Sense of Sensory Defensiveness

  “Ouch!! That hurts’’, ‘’I don’t want to wear that!!”,   “Its pasta or nothing!!’’ Does this seem familiar? Why do some children react so negatively to everyday requests? Won’t brush their teeth, keep to a minimal wardrobe and eat such a limited diet? Is it...
Occupational Therapy in School

Occupational Therapy in School

  Learning in a busy classroom environment is a challenge for most kids, but for those with extra sensory issues it can be even harder. Our sensory systems take in and process information which allows us to interact with others, move and learn. As an OT it is my...